4 Stars Hotel in Marciana Marina

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4 Stars Hotel in Marciana Marina

Parco Nazionale dell'Arcipelago Toscano

National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago

Parco Nazionale dell'Arcipelago Toscano
The territory of the seven islands of the Tuscan Archipelago and the waters of their competence are protected within the homonymous national park. The sea area included in the park’s area of interest exceeds 600 square kilometers.
The islands of CapraiaElbaGiannutriGiglioGorgonaMontecristo and Pianosa are protected because guardians of an extraordinary variety of natural environments where you can find unique animal and plant species.
Despite being protected areas, all islands are easily accessible by tourists with the exception of Montecristo which is classified as an “integral nature reserve”. At Montecristo is not allowed bathing, sailing, fishing and it is only possible to visit it in small groups guided by forest guards. On the other islands, however, there are no prohibitions, except in specific areas that enjoy greater protection such as the Scoglietto at Elba and the seabeds of Pianosa, real natural aquariums, extremely rich in life.
Of course, all those who set foot on the islands are bound to respect the natural environment so that future generations can also enjoy the same exceptional views.