4 Stars Hotel in Marciana Marina

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4 Stars Hotel in Marciana Marina

Napoleonic Residences Museum

As history and poetry teaches us, the Island of Elba was also the destination of the exile of one of the most significant characters of the nineteenth century, namely Napoleon Bonaparte. Not everyone knows that the treaty that sanctioned the end of the epic of the French Emperor established a very small principality on the island with the aim of keeping Napoleon all his noble titles.
Napoleon soon acquired two important palaces, the Palazziana dei Muliuni and the Villa di San Martino which today have been transformed into a museum where you can breathe the atmosphere of those times. The furnishings, relics and everything necessary to make the visitor experience the greatness of Napoleon’s life are still present. There is also an important library and numerous works of art.

For the visit and other information, please refer to the official website of the museum: http://www.polomusealetoscana.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/217/portoferraio-li-museo-nazionale-delle-residenze-napoleoniche-palazzina -of-the-mills